Roxanne Cox


Meet Roxanne Yahaira, the heart behind Pasión de la Piel. As the Owner and Founder, and a dedicated wife and mother to two wonderful girls, I've always emphasized the significance of selfcare. To me, skincare isn't just a routine; it's a vital aspect of selfcare, especially in teaching my daughters its importance.

My journey into the world of skincare began with a personal need. I've always cherished the feeling of smooth, well-maintained skin. When my go-to scrub was no longer available and no alternatives matched its quality, I embarked on a mission to craft my own. After perfecting the blend of sugar and oils, the feedback from family and friends was clear: these handmade & natural skincare products deserved a wider audience.

With two decades in public health, I've been an advocate for healthy living, educating and guiding communities. Growing up in a Panamanian household, tea wasn't just a beverage; it was a tradition and a source of wellness. Merging my love for tea with skincare was a natural evolution, leading to the unique and nourishing products of Pasión de la Piel. 

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